Cinnamon Buns From Vegan Yum Yum

In the morning when I get off the bus, there’s a Cinnabon right next to the stop. The smell always hits me as I walk through the door, and it was making me really crave cinnamon buns last week. I decided to try making some at home.

I found an amazing recipe on Vegan Yum Yum. The cinnamon buns come out just as good or better than Cinnabon. They also probably have just as many calories.  I must admit I felt like I gained 40 pounds just by making these before I’d even tasted one. They contain a lot of vegan butter and sugar. Healthy, they are not, but they are really, really yummy.

One batch made three containers or about 14 cinnamon buns. I would definitely recommend having a plan in place to share these with friends and family. They got good reviews from everyone who tried them. They are addictive, but you really don’t want to eat these all by yourself. You’ll see when you make them.

They rise quite a bit. The dough stays soft and the perfect texture when baked. They don’t dry out, which can happen sometimes with cinnamon buns. I would really recommend making these at least once. This is not a recipe for all the time, but if you want to splurge, these are really worth it.

I’m not going to copy and paste the recipe here, because there are great directions, photos, and a video on Vegan Yum Yum. I would recommend you follow the recipe right from that site, watch the video, and they will turn out perfectly. I’ve included my photos of the process. Hope you enjoy these cinnamon buns!

The yeast proofs while you are prepping the other ingredients.

Mixing all the dough ingredients together.

This is the dough after mixing, but before the first rise.

This is the dough after it’s risen the first time. You can see that it rises quite a lot compared to the last photo.

Once the dough is rolled out, a generous layer of vegan butter goes on top.

On top of the butter goes a generous sprinkling of cinnamon and sugar.

After the vegan butter and cinnamon sugar layers, the dough gets rolled up. On Vegan Yum Yum there are instructions on how to cut the rolls with a piece of thread. This technique works really well, and I would recommend trying it out.

Once the cinnamon buns are in the pans they need to rise again. This recipe made three tins this size, which was about 14 cinnamon buns.

These are the cinnamon buns right out of the oven.

A cinnamon bun, ready to eat, with vegan cream cheese frosting on top. They were yummy warm and cold, whichever you prefer.

4 thoughts on “Cinnamon Buns From Vegan Yum Yum

  1. OMG these look so delicious! you did an awesome job. I always hate walking past a cinnabon b.c I simply love cinnamon. the smell is so delicious! I bought the Vegan Yum Yum book I’m going to have to try these out. My laziness with baking usually gets the best of me lol

    • These are definitely worth the effort! It takes four hours, but most of the time is spent waiting for them to rise rather than actually doing any work. If you’re missing Cinnabon these will definitely fill the void 🙂

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